Apache Pig provides the following Date and Time functions −
S.N. | Functions & Description |
1 | ToDate(milliseconds)
This function returns a date-time object according to the given parameters. The other alternative for this function are ToDate(iosstring), ToDate(userstring, format), ToDate(userstring, format, timezone) |
2 | CurrentTime()
returns the date-time object of the current time. |
3 | GetDay(datetime)
Returns the day of a month from the date-time object. |
4 | GetHour(datetime)
Returns the hour of a day from the date-time object. |
5 | GetMilliSecond(datetime)
Returns the millisecond of a second from the date-time object. |
6 | GetMinute(datetime)
Returns the minute of an hour from the date-time object. |
7 | GetMonth(datetime)
Returns the month of a year from the date-time object. |
8 | GetSecond(datetime)
Returns the second of a minute from the date-time object. |
9 | GetWeek(datetime)
Returns the week of a year from the date-time object. |
10 | GetWeekYear(datetime)
Returns the week year from the date-time object. |
11 | GetYear(datetime)
Returns the year from the date-time object. |
12 | AddDuration(datetime, duration)
Returns the result of a date-time object along with the duration object. |
13 | SubtractDuration(datetime, duration)
Subtracts the Duration object from the Date-Time object and returns the result. |
14 | DaysBetween(datetime1, datetime2)
Returns the number of days between the two date-time objects. |
15 | HoursBetween(datetime1, datetime2)
Returns the number of hours between two date-time objects. |
16 | MilliSecondsBetween(datetime1, datetime2)
Returns the number of milliseconds between two date-time objects. |
17 | MinutesBetween(datetime1, datetime2)
Returns the number of minutes between two date-time objects. |
18 | MonthsBetween(datetime1, datetime2)
Returns the number of months between two date-time objects. |
19 | SecondsBetween(datetime1, datetime2)
Returns the number of seconds between two date-time objects. |
20 | WeeksBetween(datetime1, datetime2)
Returns the number of weeks between two date-time objects. |
21 | YearsBetween(datetime1, datetime2)
Returns the number of years between two date-time objects. |