Apache NiFi - Remote Process Group


Apache NiFi Remote Process Group or RPG enables flow to direct the FlowFiles in a flow to different NiFi instances using Site-to-Site protocol. As of version 1.7.1, NiFi does not offer balanced relationships, so RPG is used for load balancing in a NiFi data flow.

Remote Process

A developer can add the RPG from the top toolbar of NiFi UI by dragging the icon as shown in the above picture to canvas. To configure an RPG, a Developer has to add the following fields −

S.No. Field Name Description
1 URLs To specify comma separated remote target NiFi URLs.
2 Transport Protocol To specify the transport protocol for remote NiFi instances. It's either RAW or HTTP.
3 Local Network Interface To specify the local network interface to send/receive data.
4 HTTP Proxy Server Hostname To specify the proxy server's hostname for the purpose of transport in RPG.
5 HTTP Proxy Server Port To specify the proxy server's port for the purpose of transport in RPG.
6 HTTP Proxy User It is an optional field to specify the username for HTTP proxy.
7 HTTP Proxy Password It is an optional field to specify the password for above username.

A developer needs to enable it, before using it like we start processors before using them.

NiFi Flow