Angular Material - Grids


The md-grid-list, an Angular directive, is a component for laying out content for varying screen sizes. A grid has 12 columns in the desktop size screen, 8 in the tablet size screen, and 4 in the phone size screen, where each size have predefined margins and gutters. Cells are laid out in sequential manner in a row, in the order they are defined.


The following table lists out the parameters and description of the different attributes of md-grid-list.

Sr.No Parameter & Description

* md-cols

This is for the number of columns in the grid.


* md-row-height

One of

  • CSS length − Fixed height rows (eg. 8px or 1rem).

  • {width}:{height} − Ratio of width to height (eg. md-row-height = "16:9").

  • "fit" − Height will be determined by subdividing the available height by the number of rows.



The amount of space between tiles in CSS units (default 1px).



Expression to evaluate after layout. Event object is available as $event, and contains performance information.


The following example shows the use of the md-grid-list directive and also the uses of grid.


<html lang = "en">
      <link rel = "stylesheet"
         href = "">
      <script src = ""></script>
      <script src = ""></script>
      <script src = ""></script>
      <script src = ""></script>
      <script src = ""></script>
      <link rel = "stylesheet" href = "">
      <script language = "javascript">
            .module('firstApplication', ['ngMaterial'])
            .controller('gridController', gridController);

         function gridController ($scope) {
            var COLORS = [
               '#ffebee', '#ffcdd2', '#ef9a9a', '#e57373', '#ef5350', '#f44336',
               '#e53935', '#d32f2f', '#c62828', '#b71c1c', '#ff8a80', '#ff5252',
               '#ff1744', '#d50000', '#f8bbd0', '#f48fb1', '#f06292', '#ec407a',
               '#e91e63', '#d81b60', '#c2185b', '#ad1457', '#880e4f', '#ff80ab',
               '#ff4081', '#f50057', '#c51162', '#e1bee7', '#ce93d8', '#ba68c8',
               '#ab47bc', '#9c27b0', '#8e24aa', '#7b1fa2', '#4a148c', '#ea80fc',
               '#e040fb', '#d500f9', '#aa00ff', '#ede7f6', '#d1c4e9', '#b39ddb',
               '#9575cd', '#7e57c2', '#673ab7', '#5e35b1', '#4527a0', '#311b92',
               '#b388ff', '#7c4dff', '#651fff', '#6200ea', '#c5cae9', '#9fa8da',
               '#7986cb', '#5c6bc0', '#3f51b5', '#3949ab', '#303f9f', '#283593',
               '#1a237e', '#8c9eff', '#536dfe', '#3d5afe', '#304ffe', '#e3f2fd',
               '#bbdefb', '#90caf9', '#64b5f6', '#42a5f5', '#2196f3', '#1e88e5',
               '#1976d2', '#1565c0', '#0d47a1', '#82b1ff', '#448aff', '#2979ff',
               '#2962ff', '#b3e5fc', '#81d4fa', '#4fc3f7', '#29b6f6', '#03a9f4',
               '#039be5', '#0288d1', '#0277bd', '#01579b', '#80d8ff', '#40c4ff',
               '#00b0ff', '#0091ea', '#e0f7fa', '#b2ebf2', '#80deea', '#4dd0e1',
               '#26c6da', '#00bcd4', '#00acc1', '#0097a7', '#00838f', '#006064',
               '#84ffff', '#18ffff', '#00e5ff', '#00b8d4', '#e0f2f1', '#b2dfdb',
               '#80cbc4', '#4db6ac', '#26a69a', '#009688', '#00897b', '#00796b',
               '#00695c', '#a7ffeb', '#64ffda', '#1de9b6', '#00bfa5', '#e8f5e9',
               '#c8e6c9', '#a5d6a7', '#81c784', '#66bb6a', '#4caf50', '#43a047',
               '#388e3c', '#2e7d32', '#1b5e20', '#b9f6ca', '#69f0ae', '#00e676',
               '#00c853', '#f1f8e9', '#dcedc8', '#c5e1a5', '#aed581', '#9ccc65',
               '#8bc34a', '#7cb342', '#689f38', '#558b2f', '#33691e', '#ccff90',
               '#b2ff59', '#76ff03', '#64dd17', '#f9fbe7', '#f0f4c3', '#e6ee9c',
               '#dce775', '#d4e157', '#cddc39', '#c0ca33', '#afb42b', '#9e9d24',
               '#827717', '#f4ff81', '#eeff41', '#c6ff00', '#aeea00', '#fffde7',
               '#fff9c4', '#fff59d', '#fff176', '#ffee58', '#ffeb3b', '#fdd835',
               '#fbc02d', '#f9a825', '#f57f17', '#ffff8d', '#ffff00', '#ffea00',
               '#ffd600', '#fff8e1', '#ffecb3', '#ffe082', '#ffd54f', '#ffca28',
               '#ffc107', '#ffb300', '#ffa000', '#ff8f00', '#ff6f00', '#ffe57f',
               '#ffd740', '#ffc400', '#ffab00', '#fff3e0', '#ffe0b2', '#ffcc80',
               '#ffb74d', '#ffa726', '#ff9800', '#fb8c00', '#f57c00', '#ef6c00',
               '#e65100', '#ffd180', '#ffab40', '#ff9100', '#ff6d00', '#fbe9e7',
               '#ffccbc', '#ffab91', '#ff8a65', '#ff7043', '#ff5722', '#f4511e',
               '#e64a19', '#d84315', '#bf360c', '#ff9e80', '#ff6e40', '#ff3d00',
               '#dd2c00', '#d7ccc8', '#bcaaa4', '#795548', '#d7ccc8', '#bcaaa4',
               '#8d6e63', '#eceff1', '#cfd8dc', '#b0bec5', '#90a4ae', '#78909c',
               '#607d8b', '#546e7a', '#cfd8dc', '#b0bec5', '#78909c'
            this.colorTiles = (function() {
               var tiles = [];
               for (var i = 0; i < 46; i++) {
                  tiles.push ({
                     color: randomColor(),
                     colspan: randomSpan(),
                     rowspan: randomSpan()
               return tiles;
            function randomColor() {
               return COLORS[Math.floor(Math.random() * COLORS.length)];
            function randomSpan() {
               var r = Math.random();
               if (r < 0.8) {
                  return 1;
               } else if (r < 0.9) {
                  return 2;
               } else {
                  return 3;
   <body ng-app = "firstApplication"> 
      <div id = "gridContainer" ng-controller = "gridController as ctrl" ng-cloak>
         <md-content layout-padding>
               md-cols-gt-md = "12" md-cols-sm = "3" md-cols-md = "8"
               md-row-height-gt-md = "1:1" md-row-height = "4:3"
               md-gutter-gt-md = "16px" md-gutter-gt-sm = "8px" md-gutter = "4px">
                  ng-repeat = "tile in ctrl.colorTiles"
                  ng-style = "{
                     'background': tile.color
                  md-colspan-gt-sm = "{{tile.colspan}}"
                  md-rowspan-gt-sm = "{{tile.rowspan}}">


Verify the result.

Resize the screen to see the effect.
