Ancient Indian History - India after Harsha


  • Harsha died in the mid of 7th century AD (A.D. 647). Delhi Sultanate founded in the 12th century A.D. The intervening period span was of 600 years and evidenced an array events.

Major Events

  • Important events during six centuries were −

    • The rise of important kingdoms in eastern, central, and southern India.

    • The cultural traditions of these kingdoms remained stable even though they often fought among themselves.

    • The economy, social structure, ideas, and beliefs were hardly changed rather followed the previous system. The changes in these fields had taken place more gradually than the changes in political structure.

    • The spread of Muslim rule over the major part of northern India at the end of 12th century.


  • Kanauj became the seat of power in north India since the days of Maukharis equally as Pataliputra (Patna) enjoyed before.

  • Hiuen-Tsang described Kanauj as a prosperous center of Buddhism along with Hinduism.

  • Kanauj was a well-fortified city extending about four miles on the bank of the Ganges.

  • Kanauj lost its status as the capital city after the death of Harsha. But during Yashovarman time (i.e. in the beginning of the 8th century A.D.) Kanauj became a center of power again in north India.

  • Yashovarman ruled over a huge empire, which included almost the whole of northern India.

  • Gaudavaho written by Vakpatiraja, is a kavya literature, which describes the victory of king Yashovarman over Bengal.

  • Yashovarman sent an embassy to China in A.D. 731.

  • Famous dramatist Bhavabhuti and famous poet Vakpatiraja adorned his court.

  • Malati-Madhava, Uttara Rama-charita, and Mahavira-charita all were written by Bhavabhuti.

  • Yashovarman ruled till about A.D. 740.

  • Kanauj, from the 6th century A.D. till the period of Mohammad Ghori, in 1194 A.D., played an important role in the history of the north India.
