Advertisement - Introduction


Are you planning to promote your newly started business OR just want to buy a new smart phone?

Are you looking for the best university for your higher education OR just hunting for a career counselling institution?

Are you looking for a bride/bridegroom for your marriage OR just hunting a holiday spot?

Whatever your requirement is (of such kind), the answer is −

Advertisement, Advertisement, and Advertisement,

Advertisement Introduction

In today’s world, all of us are under the influence of ‘Advertisement’. Right from buying groceries to children’s study materials, finding a holiday spot to watching a movie, selecting restaurant for dinner to booking a banquet hall for special events, and searching educational institutions to hunting for a company to find jobs, almost every act is guided and decided by advertisements.

What is an Advertisement?

Advertisement (ad) is an efficient and effective technique to promote goods, services, and ideas. It is a paid form of non-personal communication wherein business information is made available for potential customers.

Advertisement, is derived from the Latin word “Advertere” which literally means “to turn the minds of … towards…”. Advertisement promotes and supplements selling of products, services, and ideas to a great extent. The most interesting part of an advertisement is – it carries factual information with fascinating emotional appeal. Hence, without a proper advertisement no business can prosper.


What is a Buzz?


The literal meaning of “Buzz” is – “a low, continuous humming or murmuring sound.” In the advertising sense, it is a technique of marketing. It is getting viral these days. Buzz marketing technique relies upon the power of one-on-one personal messages.

It is believed that word-of-mouth holds more weightage with consumers. Buzz marketing is perceived as an impartial form of marketing people trust the recommendations made by their relatives and friends. Social media is the most energetic vehicle of buzz marketing.

Objectives of Advertisements

The fundamental idea behind advertisement is to increase the business by selling goods/services. Besides, there are many other objectives of advertisement, significant of them are −

  • To promote newly launched products among the potential customers.

  • To promote personal selling program.

  • To create awareness among maximum people about your business in a short period of time.

  • To enter national or even international market and motivate new group of customers.

  • To enhance the goodwill and build credibility among the customers by promising to provide better quality of products and services.

Advertisement Process

The advertisements that we see in the newspapers, magazines, and roadside hoardings or watch on television or on the internet involves a lot of work. An advertisement goes through different stages from its initial planning stage to its execution. In addition, it also involves groups of people specialized in different fields. For example, experts of management, copyediting, creative writing, photography, videography, acting, etc.

Following are the fundamental stages to develop and execute an ad −

Typical Workflow in an Ad Agency

Stage Work Performed
Beginning Stage
  • Idea briefing to an Ad Agency
  • Internal discussion
  • Market research relevant to ad (to find competitors, customers’ behaviors, & target audiences)
  • Media selection (print, electronic, or outdoor)
  • Setting budget
Development Stage
  • Designing and creation of Ad (creative/copy writing, filming, etc.)
  • Internal review/editing
  • Presentation to client and taking his final approval
  • Final production of ad
  • Pre-testing
  • Approval from the concerned authority
  • Fixing the time and place to release the ad
Execution Stage
  • Media Scheduling and media booking
  • Handing over to media to make it live
Post Execution
  • Media release monitoring
  • Judging the performance
  • Noting customer’s review
  • Market response

Segments of Advertisement

Following are the three major sectors of Advertisements −

  • Advertiser − Business organization or any other individual, who wishes to advertise their products, services, or ideas.

  • Ad Agency − A service-based firm that creates innovative ideas and develops an attractive and meaningful ad.

  • Media − A communication platform that offers substantial and effective medium to advertise.

Medium of Advertisement

While planning to advertise your business/product/idea, you also need to decide which medium would be the best suited to execute your ad. You can choose from multiple mediums from the list given below −

Print Media

It is one of the oldest, but still popular medium of advertisement. It includes, newspapers, brochures, magazines, and fliers. It is the low budget medium of advertisement, but the rate varies to a great extent depending upon the −

  • Geographic location (city, town, etc.)
  • Brand (of newspaper & magazine), and
  • Space (how much & which part of the page you are booking).
Print Media

Broadcast/Electronic Media

It is the most advanced and fastest media, which reaches the remotest regions of the world in a fraction of a minute.

Broadcast Electronic Media

It includes radio, television, and the Internet. Since, on television and internet, both video and audio can be run; therefore, it is the most popular and effective medium.

Outdoor − It is the cheapest, but effective medium. It includes hoardings, flags, banners, billboards, motor vehicles, building/fence wraps, events, etc. Outdoor advertisement is used in various ways to increase brand awareness and for the promotion of products/services.

Check Your Progress

  • What is advertisement process?
  • How is advertisement the most essential feature of a business?
  • What do you understand by ‘advertisement media?’
  • What are the objectives of advertisement?