Adding 2-digit Numbers and Single Digit Numbers


Add the numbers 57 + 8


Step 1:

We line up the numbers vertically.

Add 2 Digit Number

Step 2:

We add the digits in ones column. 7 + 8 = 15. 5 is written below ones column and 1 is carried over to tens column.

Add Digit in Ones Column

Step 3:

In tens column, 5 + 1 = 6. We write 6 below tens column. So the final sum is 65.

Add tens Digit

Add the numbers 74 + 9


Step 1:

We line up the numbers vertically.

Add 2-Digit Number

Step 2:

We add the digits in ones column. 4 + 9 = 13. 3 is written below ones column and 1 is carried over to tens column.

Add Digit ones Column

Step 3:

In tens column, 7 + 1 = 8. We write 8 below tens column. So the final sum is 83.

Add Digit Tens Column